the united nations system: an analysis,
floor 1
elmandjra, mahdi.
london, faber, 1973.
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the united nations and a just world order,
floor 1
falk richard a. kim samuel s ,mendlovitz saul h.[ed]
boulder : westview press, 1991.
united nations. international organization.
a most uncertain crusade,
floor 1
brucken, rowland.
dekalb, il : niu press, 2013.
united nations. general assembly. universal declaration of human rights.
peace by pieces--united nations agencies and their roles : a reader and selective bibliography,
floor 1
wells, robert n.(ed)
metuchen, n.j. : scarecrow, 1991.
united nations.
the challenge of peace,
floor 1
waldheim, kurt.
new york : rawson, wade publishers, c1980.
united nations. secretary-general.
for a strong and democratic united nations : a south perspective on un reform / south centre.,
floor 1
south centre (independent commission of the south on development issues)
london ; new york : zed books, in association with south centre ; new york : distributed exclusively in the usa by st. martin's press, 1997.
united nations.
keeping the peace : the united nations and the maintenance of international peace and security ,
floor 1
white, nigel d
manchester ; new york : manchester university press ; new york : distributed exclusively in the usa and canada by st. martin's press, c1993.
united nations.
the united nations at work ,
floor 1
edited by martin ira glassner.
united nations.
united nations in action,
floor 1
whittaker, david j.
armonk, ny : m.e. sharpe, 1995.
united nations.
from promise to practice : strengthening un capacities for the prevention of violent conflict,
floor 1
lekha sriram chandra,wermester.karin [ed]
boulder : l. rienner publishers, 2003
united nations. conflict management.
united nations general assembly resolutions in our changing world,
floor 1
sloan, blaine
transnational publishers, ardsley-on-hudson, n.y., ©1991
united nations. general assembly
the international law commission's articles on state responsibility,
floor 1
crawford, james
cambridge university press, cambridge, u.k., 2002
draft articles on the responsibility of states for internationally wrongful acts (united nations. international law commission)
the united nations in international politics,
floor 1
gordenker, leon, 1923- ed.
princeton, n.j., princeton university press, 1971.
united nations.
repertoire of the practice of the security council,
floor 1
united nations
united nations, dept. of political and security council affairs, new york, 1946
united nations. security council
security council resolutions under chapter vii : design, implementation and accountabilities : the cases of afghanistan, côte d'ivoire, kosovo and sierra leone,
floor 1
antonini, blanca(edi)
fride, madrid, ©2009
united nations. security council
issues before the 37th general assembly of the united nations : 1982-1983,
floor 1
united nations association of the united states of america; puchala, donald james, 1939-
lexington books, lexington, mass., ©1982
united nations. general assembly
issues before the 44th general assembly of the united nations,
floor 1
john tessitore(eed),susan woolfson(ed)
lexington books, lexington, mass., ©1990
united nations. general assembly
issues before the 39th general assembly of the united nations,
floor 1
united nations association of the united states of america, [new york], ©1984
united nations. general assembly,international relations
issues before the 45th general assembly of the united nations,
floor 1
tessitore, john
lexington books, lexington, mass., ©1991
united nations. general assembly
a global agenda,
floor 1
rowman & littlefield, lanham, 1997
united nations. general assembly