A Textbook of Workshop Technology

By - Belyadi, Hoss
ISBN 10 - 812190868X
ISBN 13 - 97801284988712
Book Status - 1 Qnty Available with us.
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common.call_no - 621 KHU Ref.
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Call No. 621 KHU

A Textbook of workshop Technology (Manufacturing Processes) to the students of degree and diploma of all the Indian and foreign universities. The object of this book is to present the subject matter in a most concise,compact,to the point and lucid manner. While writing the book, we have constantly kept in mind the various requirements of the students. No effort has been spared to enrich the book with simple language and self-explanatory diagrams. Every care has been taken not to make the book voluminous, as the students have also to face other subjects of equal importance.

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