A Writer's Handbook - Third Edition

By - Casson Leslie Elizabeth
ISBN 10 - 1554810779
ISBN 13 - 9781554810772
Book Status - 1 Qnty Available with us.
Subject - Report writing
Shelf No - 2
common.call_no - 808.042 CAS 2012
common.edition - 3rd ed
common.physical_description - 171 p.: 1 ill.; 18 cm.
Book Information
Written collaboratively by writing instructors at the Queen’s University Writing Centre, A Writer’s Handbook is a compact yet thorough guide to academic writing for a North American audience. This clear and concise handbook outlines strategies both for thinking assignments through and for writing them well. The third edition is revised and updated throughout. Features of the third edition: Updated citation section (MLA, APA, Chicago, scientific, electronic) Updated section on using and citing electronic sources Expanded coverage of report writing and business letters

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