A world in disarray : American foreign policy and the crisis of the old order

By - Haass, Richard.
ISBN 10 - 0399562362
ISBN 13 - 9780399562365
Book Status - 1 Qnty Available with us.
Shelf No - 15
Call Number - 327.73009 HAA
Physical Description - xii, 339 pages ; 22 cm.
Book Information
A World in Disarray is a wise and visionary examination of the current world by Richard Haass, the president of the US Council on Foreign Relations. It is rich in history, examining how we got where we are today, and what needs doing to make things better. Haass shows that the world cannot have stability or prosperity without the United States, but that the United States cannot be a force for global stability and prosperity without its politicians and citizens reaching a new understanding.

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