
Advanced Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0

By - Ltd Mandelbrot Set International
ISBN 10 - 1572318937
ISBN 13 - 9781572318939
Book Status - 1 Qnty Available with us.
Shelf No - 7
common.call_no - 005.268 ADV
common.edition - 2nd ed.
common.physical_description - xxviii,880 pages
Notes - Includes index
Book Information
In the authors' words, "Our main aim in writing this book is to write the most advanced book yet available on Microsoft Visual Basic." Written from the perspective of the professional Visual Basic developer, "Advanced Microsoft Visual Basic, 2ND Edition" explores all the possibilities open to a developer using Visual Basic as his or her primary client/server development tool. New to this edition is material on new data access technologies, accessibility issues for the physically challenged, increased support for IIS, BackOffice and mixed language programming, and enterprise support for server side objects, such as the component gallery and Microsoft Transaction Server. The accompanying CD-ROM contains sample code and valuable utilities developed and tested by the authors, The Mandelbrot Set.

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