Mother of billion became a barren mother! So the mother quests to have great son among her children. The book is all about mother Africa's recent quest for not to be an ashtray of poor leadership. Many have been said about Africa. But now Africa speaks for herself. An imaginary exclusive interview with Africa, she says only the wearer knows where the shoe pinches. She speaks what happen to her at the past and present, and then she explains why her children are refraining from leadership responsibility. More over in her quest she talks about the real essence of African leadership and the price it takes to African children who are eager to be her salt of the earth. As a continent with unspeakable richness, speaks what she is feeling while stretching her hand to beg. In her quest for not to be an ashtray of poor leadership, she recommend her children all over the world to have holy-anger and unconditional love to survive the endless prices to be salt of the earth. The book contains each and everything about the current leadership vacuum and mechanisms to fill the gap to uplift Africans soul. It shall give new perspective of African leadership for the new African young leaders! An imaginary journalist challenges mother Africa face to face. She stand still and speaks for herself and she is saying it's time for Africa, and can't afford to be an ashtray of poor leadership no more for the sake of the coming generation.