
American Public Policy Problems : an introductory guide

By - Bonser, Charles F.
ISBN 10 - 0130223611
ISBN 13 - 9780130223616
Book Status - 1 Qnty Available with us.
Shelf No - 14
Call Number - 320.6097 BON 2000 Ref
Edition - 2nd ed.
Physical Description - xiv, 394 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Notes - Includes bibliographical references and index.
Book Information
For undergraduate-level courses in Public Affairs, Public Policy, and Policy Research Methods, in departments of Public Affairs or Political Science. Previously titled Policy Choices and Public Action, this text is a comprehensive guide for understanding and participating in the discussion and debate on American public affairs decision making. The multidisciplinary author team offers a many-faceted examination of policy problems covering the economic, political, and social agenda of the nation. The text balances the traditional descriptive approach with a problem-solving professional approach-i.e., it presents a series of public problems and invites consideration of possible solutions. Designed to encompass the broader scope of public affairs as well as political science, it takes a global perspective in examining the processes by which policies are developed, implemented, managed, and changed, highlighting the role of government agencies and bureaucracies along with non-governmental organizations.* NEW-Chapter reorganization-Chs. 1-4 begin with orientation to the great overlying themes of public policy; Chs. 5-13 provide the problem sets covering substantive policy issues that i

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