xiv, 393 p. ; 24 cm.
Includes index
Book Information
Ideal for those studying HRM for the first time, this straightforward and accessible text takes the reader through both practical and theoretical aspects of the subject. Designed to be used concurrently with semester based teaching, this interactive text has a coherent learning structure consisting of: * Each chapter beginning with a set of aims to guide readers into each new learning section * Activities and Review Questions for seminars or individual assignments * A combination of real life and fictional case studies with activities to illustrate the range and nature of HR work and reinforce learning * Legal issues and examples of the latest research are highlighted where appropriate to encourage awareness * References, further reading and Internet sites * A lecturer's supplement accompanies the text Designed to be used in conjunction with the HRM module Innovative use of a running case study throughout the text to illustrate key points Inclusion of questions and activities to aid the learning process