
Auto Body Repair Technology

By - Duffy, James E.; , Beaty, Jonathan
Floor - Floor 2
Published - Delmar, UK, 2009
ISBN 10 - 1418073539
ISBN 13 - 9781418073534
Book Status - 5 Qnty Available with us.
Shelf No - 12
Call Number - 629.2602 DUF 2009
Edition - 5th ed.
Physical Description - xviii, 1034pp : col. illus., col. photos, diagrs., tables, appendices, glassary, index.
Notes - Includes index
Book Information
The industry-leading textbook for collision repair and refinishing is now updated to the NATEF 2006 Collision Repair and Refinish Program Standards. Written with clearer explanations and more detail than any other collision repair learning tool on the market, Auto Body Repair Technology, Fifth Edition delves into all aspects of collision repair, from initial collision evaluation, to estimating, to final paint detailing. And because the book is written by a leading author in the auto body field, readers will feel confident that they are learning skills and procedures that incorporate the latest advances in materials and methods. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.

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