
Barron's SAT Writing Workbook

By - Ehrenhaft, George
ISBN 10 - 0764142046
ISBN 13 - 9780764142048
Book Status - 1 Qnty Available with us.
Shelf No - 20
common.call_no - 378.1662 EHR 2009
common.edition - 2nd ed
common.physical_description - VI, 390 p. : tab. ; 28 cm.
Notes - Includes Index
Book Information
The two-part Writing Test is an important component of the SAT, and this workbook offers college-bound students comprehensive preparation for both parts. Instruction in organizing one’s thoughts, drafting, and editing an essay includes advice on completing the essay within the SAT’s time limitation. Preparation for the Writing Test’s second part includes exercises consisting of multiple-choice questions that test each student’s skill in correcting mistakes in grammar and improving poorly-written sentences. This workbook also presents five writing tests with answers, explanations, and criteria for analyzing and assessing written essays.

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