

By - McKee, Trudy; McKee, James R
Floor - Floor 2
ISBN 10 - 0199730970
ISBN 13 - 9780199730971
Book Status - 1 Qnty Available with us.
Subject - Biochemistry
Shelf No - 5
common.call_no - 572 MCK 2012
Book Information

Edition:5th ed.

Call no:572 MCK 2012

Biochemistry: The Molecular Basis of Life is the ideal text for students who do not specialize in biochemistry but who require a strong grasp of biochemical principles. The goal of this edition has been to enrich the coverage of chemistry while better highlighting the biological context. Once concepts and problem-solving skills have been mastered, students are prepared to tackle the complexities of science, modern life, and their chosen professions. NEW! Online Homework System from Sapling Learning. Oxford University Press has partnered with Sapling Learning to produce an online homework and instructional solution for the McKee and McKee Biochemistry: The Molecular Basis of Life textbook. The text that presents the coverage you need with the relevance your students want is now available with the most powerful online homework system in the industry. The relationship between Oxford University Press and Sapling Learning is based on: * Creating the highest-quality content * Providing unparalleled customer service to you and your students * Offering the McKee/Sapling Learning package at the most affordable price Visit a here="" to learn more about Sapling Learning and how pairing this incredible system with McKee and McKee's Biochemistry: The Molecular Basis of Life will help improve your instruction and your students' learning.

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