CUDA by example : an introduction to general-purpose GPU programming

By - Sanders, Jason , Kandrot, Edward
ISBN 10 - 0131387685
ISBN 13 - 9780131387683
Book Status - 1 Qnty Available with us.
Shelf No - 8
common.call_no - 005.27 SAN
common.physical_description - xix, 290 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm
Notes - Includes index
Book Information
The complete guide to developing high-performance applications with CUDA - written by CUDA development team members, and supported by NVIDIA * *Breakthrough techniques for using the power of graphics processors to create highperformance general purpose applications. *Packed with realistic, C-based examples -- from basic to advanced. *Covers one of today's most highly-anticipated new technologies for software development wherever performance is crucial: finance, design automation, science, simulation, graphics, and beyond. NVIDIA graphics processors have immense computational power. With NVIDIA's breakthrough CUDA software platform, that power can be put to work in virtually any type of software development that requires exceptionally high performance, from finance to physics. Now, for the first time, two of NVIDIA's senior CUDA developers thoroughly introduce the platform, and show developers exactly how to make the most of it. CUDA C by Example is the first book on CUDA development for professional programmers - and the only book created with NVIDIA's direct involvement. Concise and practical, it focuses on presenting proven techniques and concrete example code for building high-performance parallelized CUDA programs with C. Programmers familiar with C will need no other skills or experience to get started - making high-performance programming more accessible than it's ever been before.

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