
Care of the critically Ill patient in the tropics and sub-tropics

By - / David A. K. Watters ... [et al.].
Floor - Floor 2
ISBN 10 - 0333537998
ISBN 13 - 9780333537992
Book Status - 4 Qnty Available with us.
Shelf No - 8
common.call_no - 616.028 CAR
common.physical_description - xiv, 450 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm.
Notes - Includes Index
Book Information

Intensive care of the critically ill means doing your best for the patient with the available resources. All hospitals have critically ill patients. It is inexcusable if a hospital fails to do its best, although what is best will vary from hospital to hospital and country to country. The debate in the Tropics should not be, is intensive care appropriate? but rather what is appropriate?.

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