
Checkpoint Maths

By - Wall, Terry
ISBN 10 - 0340812958
ISBN 13 - 9780340812952
Book Status - 1 Qnty Available with us.
Subject - Mathematics
Shelf No - 1
common.call_no - 510 WAL
common.physical_description - 171 PAGES
Book Information
Checkpoint Maths is the first 11-14 series to be written specifically for students who are preparing for the University of Cambridge International Examinations Checkpoint test and IGCSE exam. The series is fully endorsed by CIE and is included in their Checkpoint Mathematics Resources List. - Written for an international audience - Includes plenty of exercises for practice - Contains extention material to stretch more able students - Investigations at the end of each section illustration applications of the work covered - ICT is an integral part of the course, with ICT activities at the end of each section

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