
Chemistry in Context

By - Hill, G. C. (Graham C.) , Holman, John S
ISBN 10 - 0174482760
ISBN 13 - 9780174482765
Book Status - 1 Qnty Available with us.
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common.call_no - 540 HIL 2000
Book Information

Call No: -540 HIL 2000

5th ed 

This completely revised version matches the latest specifications for Advanced Subsidiary (AS) and Advanced GCE Chemistry. The new full-colour design enhances a modern, relevant course text and the informative diagrams and photographs highlight the importance of chemistry in the 21st century. In each chapter there are in-text and review questions which help the student remain focused and increase their understanding. This coupled with the large bank of examination questions at the end of the book provides students with further opportunity for self-study and revision.

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