
Civil Drafting Technology

By - Madsen, David A. , Shumaker, Terence M.
ISBN 10 - 0137511817
ISBN 13 - 9780137511815
Book Status - 20 Qnty Available with us.
Subject - Mechanical drawing
Shelf No - 12
common.call_no - 624.0221 MAD 1998
common.edition - 3rd ed.
common.physical_description - vii, 295 pages : illustrations, maps ; 28 cm
Notes - Includes Reference and Index
Book Information
Call No: 624.0221 MAD 1998
Edition: 3rd ed.
Physical Description: vii, 295 pages : illustrations, maps ; 28 cm
Notes: Includes Reference and Index

Ideal for a one-term or semester course, this text provides a broad understanding of civil drafting and a working knowledge of the basic components of mapping. Eleven chapters discuss surveying fundamentals, location and direction, mapping scales, mapping symbols, legal descriptions and plot plans,

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