
Classroom Assessment

By - Russell, Michael K
ISBN 10 - 0078110211
ISBN 13 - 9780078110214
Shelf No - 19
common.call_no - 371.2609 RUS 2012
common.edition - 7th ed.
common.physical_description - xxv, 415 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.
Notes - Includes index
Book Information
Assessment is a daily, ongoing, integral part of teaching and learning. Classroom Assessment: Concepts and Applications explores how assessment is a key component of all aspects of the instructional process, including organizing and creating a classroom culture, planning lessons, delivering instruction, and examining how students have grown as result of instruction. The text also introduces pre-service teachers to new tools and approaches to classroom assessment that result from the infusion of computer-based technologies in schools. This is the most teacher-friendly assessment textbook available—one that will inform a teacher’s assessment practices for years to come.

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