
College Algebra Through Models and Visualization

By - Rockswold, Gary K , Hornsby, John, , Lial, Margaret L.
ISBN 10 - 0321015959
ISBN 13 - 9780321080288
Book Status - 1 Qnty Available with us.
Subject - Algebra
Shelf No - 2
common.call_no - 512 ROC
Notes - Include index
Book Information
Intended for a graphing required college algebra course, this book, offers an innovative approach to the college. It does not simply reiterate past algebra texts and courses. Rather, it consistently integrates mathematical concepts with real applications to enhance student intuition and understanding. Concentrating on broad mathematical themes, the authors emphasize the unifying concepts and skills used repeatedly in mathematics. Symbolic, graphical, numerical, and verbal skills are continually reinforced throughout the course. When introducing mathematical ideas, the authors move from the concrete to the abstract. The authors' believe that learning is enhanced when students can relate a concept to something in their lives. Hence, mathematical concepts are often introduced through applications that help make the mathematics real to students. Definitions and theorems also become more meaningful to students when they are explained and motivated from an applied perspective. Students see the importance of a topic from a practical and intuitive point of view, with models and applications playing a central part in the learning process. This approach increases both student interest and motivation. Once students are interested and motivated, symbolic concepts and abstractions become more accessible.

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