
Connected Mathematics 2: Thinking with Mathematical Models: Linear and Inverse Variation

By - Lappan Glenda
ISBN 10 - 0133661490
ISBN 13 - 9780133661491
Book Status - 17 Qnty Available with us.
Shelf No - 1
Call Number - 510 CON
Physical Description - 24 volumes : color illustrations ; 28 cm + teacher's guides (illustrations ; 28 cm)
Notes - Includes Index
Book Information
Building on the solid foundation established in Connected Mathematics, over 15,000 students and 300 teachers contributed to the revision. Students will learn mathematics through appealing and engaging problems. The three-step Launch, Explore, Summarize approach helps students develop mathematical thinking and reasoning while practicing and maintaining skills. Users have long praised its appealing and engaging problems and the effective three-step Launch, Explore, and Summarize approach to learning. They've experienced first-hand how the investigations and excercises help students develop mathematical thinking and reasoning while practicing and maintaining skills. And, this research-based curriculum for Grades 6-8 has been funded by the National Science Foundation once again-resulting in Connected Mathematics 2. - Publisher.

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