The most fundamental difference between a traditional education system and a RISC system is that in a traditional system, time is the constant and learning is the variable. In a RISC system, the reverse is true: Learning is the constant and time is the variable. In a traditional system, students spend 13 years in school, kindergarten through grade 12, as they earn a certain amount of seat time each year by receiving a minimum grade, as low as a D , in each required course. Whether they learn and to what extent they learn, however, varies greatly from class to class, teacher to teacher, and school to school. Conversely, in a school or district implementing the RISC approach, students move at their own pace (as fast or as slow as needed) through developmental levels in standards, rather than age-based grade levels. In a RISC system, students also must meet an acceptable level of performance, but the bar is set higher.