
Economic growth in the Asia Pacific region

By - Gapinski, James H.
ISBN 10 - 40869774
Book Status - 1 Qnty Available with us.
Shelf No - 17
common.call_no - 338.95 GAP
common.physical_description - xviii, 253 pages : illustrations ; 22 cm.
Notes - Includes Bibliographical References.
Book Information

"This book seeks to account for what James H. Gapinski calls the "miraculous" growth of Asian economies. He examines several major determinants of growth, including capital quantity (gross investment and physical depreciation), capital quality (embodied technical progress), labor quantity (employment), labor quality (education), international trade (exports and openness), and total factor productivity (growth not accounted for by capital and labor quantities). Along the way, Gapinski examines implications for policymakers of the current growth trends."--Jacket

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