
Environmental Chemistry of Dyes and Pigments

By - Reife, Abraham[ed]
Floor - Floor 2
ISBN 10 - 0471589276
ISBN 13 - 9780471589273
Book Status - 2 Qnty Available with us.
Shelf No - 12
common.call_no - 628.3 ENV
common.physical_description - xvi, 329 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm
Notes - Includes index
Book Information
In the last two decades the EPA and other national andinternational agencies have placed increasingly strict regulationson the manufacture and use of synthetic colorants. The pigment anddye industry has had to develop the technology necessary to analyzeand remediate pollutants in wastewater. Although these efforts haveproduced a considerable volume of information, until now, no singlebook has provided an organized, comprehensive treatment of theenvironmental chemistry of synthetic colorants. Environmental Chemistry of Dyes and Pigments is the firstcomprehensive reference to address the environmental problems posedby synthetic colorants, and to provide a forum for the solutionsproposed by industry, government, and academia. Focusing ondevelopments in the field over the past two decades, it deals withall aspects of colored wastewater treatment, the disposal of dyes,analytical methods, toxicity, and regulatory questions. In its coverage of wastewater treatment, this book addresses boththe most commonly used methods and those specifically designed toaddress pollution problems at the source by analyzing for andremoving dyes and pollutants from wastewater effluent. Throughout,real-world data on a wide variety of dyes and dye intermediates isprovided, as well as cost-effective strategies for dealing withwastewater treatment. In addition, several chapters are devoted to the perspectives ofnational and international experts on regulations governing themanufacture, handling, use, and disposal of synthetic dyes andpigments. The impact these regulations have had on both U.S. andforeign industry is also discussed. A complete, comprehensive, and up-to-date guide to pollutionprevention in the dyestuff and textile industries Environmental Chemistry of Dyes and Pigments is the onlyself-contained volume that focuses on the environmental impact ofsynthetic dyes and pigments. Contributions by international expertsfrom industry, academia, and government make this an indispensablebook for anyone dealing with the environmental problems posed bysynthetic colorants. It covers the entire range of environmentalissues, from waste treatment and analysis to pollution preventionand government regulations. Covers the latest wastewater treatment methods Shows how to use recycling and reusing methods effectively, whilecutting production costs Describes state-of-the-art technology, including the PACT(r)system Explains analysis techniques, including spectrometry andionization Covers legislative issues and the regulatory status of variouscompounds in both the United States and abroad Examines the various pollution prevention programs instituted bygovernment and industry Bridging the gap between industrial interests and environmentalconcerns, Environmental Chemistry of Dyes and Pigments stands as aninvaluable resource for scientists, researchers, and engineers inthe textile and dyestuff industries, and in the environmentalsciences. It is also an extremely useful text for environmentalscience students.

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