
Evaluating Public and Community Health Programs

By - Harris, Muriel J., 1955-
ISBN 10 - 0470400870
ISBN 13 - 9780470400876
Book Status - 1 Qnty Available with us.
Shelf No - 19
common.call_no - 362.1072 HAR
common.physical_description - xiv, 222 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm
Notes - Include index.
Book Information
Evaluating Public and Community Health Programs Evaluating Public and Community Health Programs combines an introduction to public and community health program evaluation with a detailed survey of methods in community assessment, planning, program design, quantitative and qualitative data collection, data analysis, and reporting of findings. The book presents an approach built on the two primary evaluation frameworks that are most common in public and community health: the Donaldson three-step program theory-driven evaluation model and CDC's six-step Framework for Program Evaluation in Public Health. The author emphasizes practical, ongoing evaluation strategies that involve all program stakeholders, not just evaluation experts, and presents a simple and effective standards-based four-step model that will produce rich and useful results. The book's resources (scenarios, worksheets, and guidelines) can be used throughout the planning, implementation, and evaluation process. In addition, each chapter includes a list of learning objectives, key terms, and ideas for review, as well as summaries and discussion questions that can reinforce each chapter's lessons.

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