
Foreign Direct Investment in a Changing Global Political Economy

By - Chan, Stephen [ED].
ISBN 10 - 0333664760
ISBN 13 - 9780333664766
Book Status - 1 Qnty Available with us.
Shelf No - 17
common.call_no - 332.673 FOR
common.physical_description - 246 pages
Notes - Includes Index
Book Information
This book examines foreign direct investment in a changing world economy. It offers case-studies of this investment in different national and industrial contexts. Firms and countries have encountered mixed results in using this investment to further their foreign leverage. Conversely, potential host countries have faced different opportunities and constraints in attracting or utilizing foreign capital for their development. Although some countries have been relatively successful, most do not appear to be well positioned to take advantage of the ongoing processes of globalization of national economies.

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