
From Glasnost to the Internet

By - Ellis, Frank
ISBN 10 - 0333670957
ISBN 13 - 9780333670958
Book Status - 1 Qnty Available with us.
Subject - Internet Russia
Shelf No - 13
common.call_no - 302.20947 ELL
common.physical_description - 259 Pages, 22 CM Illustration
Notes - NO
Book Information
The Soviet collapse of 1991 - the Great August liberation - demonstrated the total exhaustion of Marxist-Leninist agitation and propaganda. It was no longer possible to live on slogans. The failure of Soviet agitprop is also the failure of Soviet censorship the latter being a unique institution in anti-thought. In From Glasnost to the Internet Ellis analyses the consequences of censorship, before tackling the media legislation of the Russian Federation and the new dangers to the free flow of information emerging both within and outside the Russian Federation.

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