
Getting to Grips with Doctoral Research

By - Walshaw, Margaret.
ISBN 10 - 0230369553
ISBN 13 - 9780230369559
Book Status - 1 Qnty Available with us.
Shelf No - 20
common.call_no - 378.155 WAL
common.physical_description - vi, 170 pages ; 22 cm
Notes - Includes bibliographical references and index.
Book Information
'I would definitely recommend this book to students who are accepted into PhD programmes. As I was reading it, I kept thinking about my own experience as a doctoral student - and how spot on the book is!' - Professor Kristen Williams, Clark University, USA Confused about your doctoral studies? Not sure what's required but feel unable to ask? This book is for you! Addressing common concerns about processes, conventions and expectations, it helps current and prospective PhD students to avoid needless mistakes which can be costly in terms of time, money and research quality. Getting to Grips with Doctoral Research: • provides greater understanding of the doctoral process and the requirements for success • recognises the challenges facing students and offers practical solutions • uses real-life student examples, case studies and activities to bring the doctoral journey to life • is informed by the author's research into doctoral engagement among students • will be particularly relevant for those studying social science subjects An easy, accessible, and engaging read, the book will demystify the doctoral process and equip you with the skills and knowledge you need to complete your doctorate successfully.

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