xvi, 287 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm.
Book Information
1424H-9 The complete guide to IP routing for all network professionals Four routing protocols-RIP, OSPF, BGP, and the Cisco protocols-are at the heart of IP-based internetworking and the Internet itself. In this comprehensive guide, respected telecommunications consultant Uyless Black teaches network professionals the basics of how to build and manage networks with these protocols. Beginning with an exceptionally helpful tutorial on the fundamentals of route discovery, architecture, and operations, Black presents in-depth coverage of these topics and more: The RIP and OSPF interior gateway protocols: implementation, troubleshooting, and variations Connecting internal networks to the Internet with BGP Enterprise networking with Cisco's Inter-Gateway Routing Protocol (IGRP) and Enhanced Inter-Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP) The Private Network-to-Network Interface (PNNI): route advertising, network topology analysis, and connection management for ATM-based networks From start to finish, IP Routing Protocols focuses on the techniques needed to build large, scalable IP networks with maximum performance and robustness. Whether you're a service provider or an enterprise networking professional, here's the lucid, succinct guide to IP routing protocols you've been searching for.