This text offers guidelines, checklists, advice from other principals, and reflections intended to make a principal's day on the job run more smoothly. Several themes are stressed throughout the book: school administration as a human-relations enterprise; increasing awareness of the principal's socialization process; the leader as a lifelong learner; viewing the school as an ecosystem; purposeful visibility; organizational/ethical alignment; celebrating student and faculty achievements; and the principal as a leader of instructional leaders. The text is divided into two parts. In part 1, "The Challenges and Problems Facing Rookie and Veteran Principals New to Their Schools," such topics as the loneliness of the principalship, the time juggernaut, expectations of the instructional leader, the complexity of relationships, and management concerns are addressed. In part 2, "Finding Solutions to the Challenges and Problems," the areas covered include becoming a lifelong learner, human relations and authentic communications, honoring the veteran staff, balancing leadership and management, and implementing a proactive behavioral program. (Contains an index and 89 references.) (RJM)