
Java and Internet Security

By - Shrader, Theodore J
ISBN 10 - 0595135005
ISBN 13 - 9780595135004
Book Status - 1 Qnty Available with us.
Shelf No - 9
common.call_no - 005.8 SHR
Book Information
Welcome to exciting realm of Java and Internet Security. Whether you are new to security or a guru, these pages offer introductory and advanced discussions of the hottest security technologies for developing and understanding successful e-business applications. This book offers several complimentary sections for easy reading and includes a generous helping of code samples. We introduce you to the Java 2 security model and its numerous objects and dive into explaining and exploiting cryptography in your applications. This book also includes an in-depth explanation of public keys, digital signatures, and the use of these security objects in Internet messaging and Java programs. We also cover other security topics including the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), Java Authentication and Authorization Services (JAAS), and Kerberos.

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