
Langman's Medical Embryology

By - Langman Jan; Sadler T. W.
ISBN 10 - 145114461X
ISBN 13 - 9781451144611
Book Status - 1 Qnty Available with us.
Shelf No - 7
common.call_no - 612.64 LAN 2012
Book Information

call no : 612.64 LAN 2012

12th ed

Langman's Medical Embryology covers embryology for medical, nursing, and health professions students with a strong clinical emphasis. The text is highly valued as a teaching and learning resource for its clinical correlation boxes, summaries, problems to solve, illustrations and clinical images, and clear, concise writing style--all of which make the subject matter accessible to students and relevant to instructors. Online material includes Simbryo--an animation program showing processes, organs, and systems developing in human embryos--as well as review questions and full text online. A separate Faculty Image Bank and PowerPoint presentations are also available.

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