
Limited-Dependent and Qualitative Variables in Econometrics

By - Maddala, G. S
ISBN 10 - 0521338255
ISBN 13 - 9780521338257
Book Status - 1 Qnty Available with us.
Subject - Econometrics.
Shelf No - 16
common.call_no - 330.028 MAD
common.physical_description - xi, 401 p. ; 24 cm.
Notes - Includes index. Bibliography: p. 373-395.
Book Information
This book presents the econometric analysis of single-equation and simultaneous-equation models in which the jointly dependent variables can be continuous, categorical, or truncated. Despite the traditional emphasis on continuous variables in econometrics, many of the economic variables encountered in practice are categorical (those for which a suitable category can be found but where no actual measurement exists) or truncated (those that can be observed only in certain ranges). Such variables are involved, for example, in models of occupational choice, choice of tenure in housing, and choice of type of schooling. Models with regulated prices and rationing, and models for program evaluation, also represent areas of application for the techniques presented by the author.

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