
Managing in the turbulent world economy: corporate performance and risk exposure

By - Oxelheim, Lars , Wihlborg, Clas
ISBN 10 - 0471974749
ISBN 13 - 9780471974741
Book Status - 5 Qnty Available with us.
Subject - Macroeconomics
Shelf No - 15
common.call_no - 658.155 OXE
Book Information

Call no :658.155 OXE

Notes: include index

The strategic importance of risk-management is a concern at the forefront of most organisations. Increasingly, uncertainty about macroeconomic environment of the firm is a major concern. It is essential for top management to formulate new strategies to deal with such uncertainty (in terms of uncertainty about exchange rates, interest rates, prices etc.) as traditional financial management is not sufficient. This book deals with the broad management issues related to the uncertain environment in which we operator. The authors look at industry-analysis in order to assess competitiveness based on firms' intrinsic skills.

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