
Masculinity Goes to School

By - Gilbert, Rob.
Floor - Floor 1
ISBN 10 - 0415197937
ISBN 13 - 9780415197939
Book Status - 1 Qnty Available with us.
Shelf No - 20
common.call_no - 371.8234 GIL
Book Information

Call Number – 371.8234 GIL

Physical Description  ix, 293 pages; 23 cm.

Notes  Includes Bibliographical References and Index.

Reports claim that gender reform in schools has benefited girls at the expense of boys. They are supported with statistics showing that boys perform less well during examinations than girls, outlining the cost of programs developed to support girls. At the same time, many educationalists have become concerned that the school system is not serving some boys as well as it should. In this book. the authors present an overview of the issues surrounding boys and education. They argue that popular constructions of masculinity affect boys in all parts of their lives, in families, peer groups and work cultures, at home, at school, at work, and at leisure.

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