
Mastering Linux

By - Danesh, Arman , Jang, Michael H
ISBN 10 - 0782129153
ISBN 13 - 9780782129151
Book Status - 1 Qnty Available with us.
Shelf No - 8
common.call_no - 005.4469 DAN 2001
common.edition - 2nd ed
common.physical_description - xxv, 955 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm + 1 computer optical disc (4 3/4 in.)
Book Information
Join the Linux Revolution! Newly revised and updated, Mastering Linux, Second Edition is the best all-in-one Linux resource available anywhere. Inside, you'll find everything you need to know to install, configure, use, and optimize this increasingly popular and respected operating system. You'll even find the operating system itself—the Publisher's Edition of Red Hat Linux 7, absolutely free on the enclosed CD! Whatever you want to achieve with Linux, Mastering Linux makes it easy, providing the clear instruction and unique insights of a Linux expert who understands the needs of the non-Unix world. Coverage includes: Installing Linux Configuring and using the GNOME and KDE graphical user interfaces Configuring and using X-Windows v. 4 Using Linux commands Managing files in Linux Connecting to the Internet and e-mailing with Linux Using Netscape 6 for Linux Faxing from Linux Using Linux on a LAN Using Linux as part of a Windows network Connecting and configuring USB peripherals Creating a Linux Web server Setting up and using a Linux mail server Running DOS and Windows applications using Wine Configuring your Linux system with LinuxConf Re-compiling the Linux kernel Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.

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