
Mathematics for Elementary Teachers: A Conceptual Approach

By - Bennett, Albert B.; Nelson, Leonard T.; Burton, Laurie J.
ISBN 10 - 007351957X
ISBN 13 - 9780073519579
Book Status - 5 Qnty Available with us.
Subject - Mathematics
Shelf No - 1
common.call_no - 510 BEN 2012
common.edition - 9th ed
common.physical_description - 1 volume (various paging): illustrations (chiefly color); 26 cm
Notes - Includes Index
Book Information

The ninth edition of Mathematics for Elementary Teachers: A Conceptual Approach continues the innovative time-tested approach of the previous editions: an emphasis on learning via specific, realistic examples and the extensive use of visual aids, hands-on activities, problem-solving strategies and active classroom participation. Features of the text focus on ensuring that prospective teachers will gain not only a deeper understanding of the mathematical concepts, but also a better sense of the connections between their college math courses and their future teaching experiences, along with helpful ideas for presenting math to their students in a way that will generate interest and enthusiasm. The text draws heavily on NCTM Standards and contains many pedagogical elements designed to foster reasoning, problem-solving and communication skills. The ninth edition represents a significant step forward in terms of online course management as roughly half of all problems in the text will be assignable through our new online homework platform, Connect Mathematics. In addition, Connect Mathematics will be fully integrated with Blackboard, providing the deepest integration of an online homework and course management system in the market today. Additionally, this text can be packaged with an activity set that corresponds to each section of the companion text, Mathematics for Elementary Teachers: An Activity Approach, also by the Bennett, Burton, and Nelson team. Mathematics for Elementary Teachers: An Activity Approach can be used independently or along with its companion, Mathematics for Elementary Teachers: A Conceptual Approach.

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