
Media and Democracy in South Africa

By - Duncan, Jane; , Mandla Seleoane (Eds.)
ISBN 10 - 0796918546
ISBN 13 - 9780796918543
Book Status - 1 Qnty Available with us.
Shelf No - 13
common.call_no - 302.2309 MED
common.physical_description - 253 pages; 22 cm
Notes - Includes Bibliographical References
Book Information
Criticism has been voiced that government and society are gradually transforming in South Africa, but not the media and that they are in fact obstructing democratisation. Is this criticism justified? Should the media in fact be obliged to play an active role in consolidating democracy, or is this role adequately filled by the objective reflection on events, protected by press freedom principles enshrined in the constitution? What do we mean when we speak of media, and does the media represent South Africa's widely different social interests?This book considers these and many other questions. Seven contributors, representing divergent interests, explore the complex interface between the media and democracy in the South Africa today. They consider the legislative and policy environments necessary for the media to play a meaningful role in building democracy, including the steps needed to develop sustainable, diverse and independent media. South Africa's reintegration into the global community is also reflected in some of the contributions, with two providing international perspectives on questions pertinent to our media today.

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