Call Number - 621.3678 ABR
"Methods and Materials for Remote Sensing: InfraredPhoto-Detectors," "Radiometers and Arrays" presents the basicprinciples and the guidelines for the design of IR and microwaveradiometers intended for the detection of weak electromagnetic signalsin a noisy background.Significant attention is paid in this book to the discussion of theorigin of the noises and consideration of the physical factorslimiting the sensitivity of photo sensors. The physico-chemicalproperties of narrow-band semiconductors, which are the basicphotosensitive materials for the microwave and IR radiometry, arediscussed. Also described are the methods for growing the singlecrystals, epitaxial films and arrays from solid solutions of thesecompounds for the application in photosensitive detectors.The main goal of "Methods and Materials for Remote Sensing: Infrared" "Photo-Detectors, Radiometers and Arrays" is topresent the entire material from the unifying physical viewpoint, which will be helpful for the designers of photo-detecting devices, and professionals contributing in various areas of remote sensing.This book is also useful for the specialists working on thedevelopment of IR systems.