
Microcomputer engineering

By - Miller, Gene H.
ISBN 13 - 9788120328181
Book Status - 1 Qnty Available with us.
Shelf No - 7
Book Information

Call number: 004.165 MIL 2004

3rd ed.

"This complete book and laboratory manual focuses on microcomputers and microprocessors used as control devices (e.g., the Motorola 68HC11). It includes extensive material on using the Motorola M6HC11EVB and M68HC11EBU Trainers and encourages hands-on learning. KEY TOPICS Specific chapter topics cover computer fundamentals, instruction subset and machine language, assemblers and assembly language, program structure and design, advanced assembly language programming, hardware, advanced 68HC11 hardware, real-time operating systems, and real-time system design."--Publisher's description

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