
Microsoft Windows Media Player for Windows XP Handbook

By - McEvoy, Seth
ISBN 10 - 0735614555
ISBN 13 - 9780735614555
Book Status - 1 Qnty Available with us.
Shelf No - 1
common.call_no - 006.7768 MCE
common.physical_description - xvi, 365 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm + 1 computer optical disc (4 3/4 in.)
Notes - Includes Index
Book Information
Delivered direct from Microsoft's Windows Media product team, this comprehensive handbook shows how to use the new capabilities in Windows Media Player for Windows XP to tune into streaming media, burn CDs (no plug-in required!), find and play back content from the Web, watch DVDs, and more--everywhere a PC, laptop, or pocket device goes.

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