
Modern Business Statistics with Microsoft Office Excel (with XLSTAT Education Edition Printed Access Card)

By - Anderson, David R. (David Ray), , Sweeney, Dennis J.; Williams, Thomas A.
ISBN 10 - 1337115185
ISBN 13 - 9781337115186
Book Status - 1 Qnty Available with us.
Shelf No - 8
common.call_no - 005.369 MOD
Book Information

Gain a strong conceptual understanding of statistics as MODERN BUSINESS STATISTICS, 6E balances real-world applications with an integrated focus on Microsoft Excel 2016. This best-selling, comprehensive book clearly develops each statistical technique in an application setting. The integrated approach focuses on statistical methodology with an easy-to-follow presentation of a statistical procedure followed by a discussion of how to use Excel to perform the procedure. Step-by-step instructions and screen ensure understanding. Business examples, proven methods, and application exercises demonstrate how statistical results provide insights into business decisions and help resolve business problems. A problem-scenario approach emphasizes how to apply statistical methods to practical business situations. New case problems and self-tests let you check personal understanding and help you master both Excel 2016 skills and an understanding of business statistics. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.

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