
My Life, My Vision for the Oromo and Other Peoples of Ethiopia

By - Bulcha Demeksa, 1930- author.
ISBN 10 - 1569023816
ISBN 13 - 9781569023815
Book Status - 1 Qnty Available with us.
Shelf No - 5
Call Number - 963.0709 BUL Eth.
Physical Description - pages cm
Notes - Includes bibliographical references and index.
Book Information
My Life, My Vision for the Oromo and Other Peoples of Ethiopia is a contribution to the Ethiopian people and to the study of Oromo history, culture, economy, political and social life in particular. It consists of twenty chapters mostly eye-witness accounts, experiences and activities of the author who had given efficient and effective civil services for long years at National and International levels in various capacities of leadership and management. The rich information contained in the book are not only exciting, but exciting and well organised.

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