
New Technologies and the Media

By - Goggin, Gerard
ISBN 10 - 0230282210
ISBN 13 - 9780230282216
Book Status - 1 Qnty Available with us.
Shelf No - 13
common.call_no - 302.23 GOG
common.physical_description - viii, 150 p. ; 22 cm.
Notes - Includes bibliographical references (p. 128-146) and index.
Book Information
The landscape of the media is changing - and at an ever-increasing pace. New technologies are fast transforming the way we consume information, and the way we live our lives. New Technologies and the Media by Proffessor Gerard Goggin (University of Sydney) is an authoritative exploration of the impact of the internet, the iPad, and Wikileaks on contemporary news, journalism and broadcasting. Steering clear of technological jargon, this is a short, sharp, simple guide through this complex subject. This book is essential reading for all media students and researchers - and for anyone interested in getting to grips with the ways in which media is becoming a progressively more pervasive, intimate and powerful part of life in the 2010s. It engagingly examines the the issues raised by the presence of new technologies across news, television, internet and mobiles. Under discusson are: new audiences forming around user-generated content; the future of news and journalism; the rapid shape-shifting of broadcasting in the face of the internet; an explosion of devices; the viewer as "couch-commander"; blogging, social media and citizen journalism and public-service media; the cultural politics of digital cultures and technologies. Featuring fascinating case studies of modern phenomena such as the iPhone, this book examines current cutting-edge technologies by situating them within the broader context of communications and media history. Written by an expert in the field, it cuts through the controversial and confusing debate surrounding the use of new technologies in the media and gives a clear, considered account of the major issues involved. By accessibly introducing the key theories of technology, this book will equip its readers with a solid critical approach that they can use across their studies, invesitigations and work in media. It provides the tools needed by students and researchers to accurately analyse and effectively evaluate how new technologies shape, and are shaped by, media. New Technology and the Media offers an excellent insight into an important, exciting, expanding area of interest.

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