

By - Kress, Anne
ISBN 10 - 031240106X
ISBN 13 - 9780312401061
Book Status - 1 Qnty Available with us.
Subject - Report writing
Shelf No - 21
common.call_no - 428.43 KRE
common.physical_description - xxi, 611 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm
Book Information
NextText addresses the problems students have transitioning into the critical thinking, reading, and writing required for academic work. Anne Kress and Suellyn Winkle, both at Santa Fe Community College in Gainesville, Florida, carefully researched the skills required in disciplines across the university and developed NextText to teach students those skills. Every chapter in NextText offers students a rich range of readings from the informal magazine article to the researched academic essay. Students are encouraged to make connections between and among the multiple voices, genres, and disciplines represented in every chapter. NextText: Making Connections Across and Beyond the Disciplines prepares students for academic success in the composition course, and beyond.

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