
Obstetrics illustrated.

By - Hanretty, Kevin P.
ISBN 10 - 070203066X
ISBN 13 - 9780702030666
Book Status - 1 Qnty Available with us.
Shelf No - 9
common.call_no - 618.2 HAN 2010
common.edition - 7th ed.
common.physical_description - 437 p. : ill. ; 26 cm.
Notes - Includes index.
Book Information
This popular guide uses illustrations and concise, integrated text to describe the essentials of obstetric practice today. From the physiology of reproduction through antenatal care and disorders in pregnancy to labour and the puerperium period, readers will find an easy-to-grasp presentation of the field's most important issues. Features nearly 20 new line drawings to show the latest in obstetric practice. All other illustrations and content thoroughly revised and updated. New material includes: Current uses and types of IUCDs (including the Mirena IUS); Management of early pregnancy including ectopic pregnancy; Preterm labour; and Ventouse (to include Kiwi-style Ventouse Cup).

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