
Organizational Culture and Leadership

By - Schein, Edgar H
ISBN 10 - 0470190604
ISBN 13 - 9780470190609
Book Status - 1 Qnty Available with us.
Subject - Corporate culture
Shelf No - 13
common.call_no - 302.35 SCH 2010
common.edition - 4th ed
common.physical_description - xvi, 436 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm
Notes - Includes Bibliographic reference and Index.
Book Information
Regarded as one of the most influential management books of all time, this fourth edition of Leadership and Organizational Culture transforms the abstract concept of culture into a tool that can be used to better shape the dynamics of organization and change. This updated edition focuses on today's business realities. Edgar Schein draws on a wide range of contemporary research to redefine culture and demonstrate the crucial role leaders play in successfully applying the principles of culture to achieve their organizational goals.

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