PN adult medical surgical nursing : content mastery series review module

By - Assessment Technologies Institute
ISBN 13 - 9781565331907
Book Status - 1 Qnty Available with us.
Subject - Surgical nursing
Shelf No - 6
common.call_no - 610.736 ATI 2020
common.edition - Edition 11.0
common.physical_description - 598 pages, section A 16 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm
Notes - References
Book Information

This exam review module is organized in units covering the foundations of nursing care; body systems and physiological processes; and perioperative nursing care. They are arranged by basic concepts; procedures (diagnostic and therapeutic; and systems disorders. At the end of each chapter there are questions you can use to practice applying your knowledge. Exercises include NCLEX-style questions as well as questions that ask you to apply your knowledge in other formats. An answer key allows users to check the answers and rationales for correct and incorrect answers

Edition 11.0

Open Book