
Patterns for College Writing with 2009 MLA Update

By - Kirszner, Laurie G , Mandell, Stephen R
ISBN 10 - 0312601522
ISBN 13 - 9780312601522
Book Status - 1 Qnty Available with us.
Subject - Report writing
Shelf No - 21
common.call_no - 428 KIR
common.physical_description - xxxix, 754 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm
Notes - Includes Index
Book Information
Click here to find out more about the 2009 MLA Updates and the 2010 APA Updates. Laurie Kirszner and Stephen Mandell, best-selling authors and experienced teachers, know what works in the classroom. They have a knack for picking just the right readings. In Patterns for College Writing, they provide students with exemplary rhetorical models and instructors with class-tested selections. The readings are a balance of classic and contemporary essays by writers such as Sandra Cisneros, Deborah Tannen, E. B. White, and Henry Louis Gates Jr. And with more examples of student writing than any other reader, Patterns has always been an exceptional resource for students. Patterns also has the most comprehensive coverage of the writing process in a rhetorical reader with a five-chapter mini-rhetoric; the clearest explanations of the patterns of development; and the most thorough support for students of any rhetorical reader. With loads of exciting new readings and updated coverage of working with sources, Patterns for College Writing helps students as no other book does. There’s a reason it is the best-selling reader in the country.

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