Includes bibliographical references (p. 354-362) and index.
Book Information
For Philosophical Foundations of Education, Introduction/Foundations of Education, or Social Foundations of Education courses. A balanced examination of the major schools of thought of philosophy in education throughout history, with an emphasis on each philosophy's continuing relevance in teaching and learning today. Now in its ninth edition, Philosophical Foundations of Education provides readers with comprehensive knowledge about the various schools of thought that have comprised the philosophy of education throughout history. Highly readable, this chronological text gives insight into the individuals who helped develop various philosophies of education and provides historical information about how they lived and how they learned. In addition, each chapter covers each philosophy's aims, methods, curriculums, teaching roles, advantages, and disadvantages. Covering not only how each philosophy evolved over time but also how these philosophies influenced subsequent educational practice, this popular survey textbook also challenges readers to apply what they have learned in their own profession and develop their own philosophies about education, instruction, and schooling.