
Principles and Practices of Automatic Process Control

By - Smith, Carlos A.
ISBN 10 - 0471431907
ISBN 13 - 9780471431909
Book Status - 3 Qnty Available with us.
Shelf No - 18
common.call_no - 660.2815 SMI 2006
common.edition - 3rd ed
common.physical_description - xvi, 563 pages : illustrations ; 26 cm
Notes - Includes Index
Book Information
A practical guide for understanding and implementing industrial control strategies. Highly practical and applied, this Third Edition of Smith and Corripio's Principles and Practice of Automatic Process Control continues to present all the necessary theory for the successful practice of automatic process control. The authors discuss both introductory and advanced control strategies, and show how to apply those strategies in industrial examples drawn from their own professional practice. Now revised, this Third Edition features: * Expanded coverage of the development of dynamic balances (Chapter 3) * A new chapter on modeling and simulation (Chapter 13) * More extensive discussion of distributive control systems * New tuning exercises (Appendix D) * Guidelines for plant-wide control and two new design case studies (Appendix B) * New operating case studies (Appendix E) * Book Website containing simulations to practice the tuning of feedback controllers, cascade controllers, and feedforward controllers, and the MATLAB(r) files for simulation examples and problem With this text, you can: * Learn the mathematical tools used in the analysis and design of process control systems. * Gain a complete understanding of the steady state behavior of processes. * Develop dynamic mathematical process models that will help you in the analysis, design, and operation of control systems. * Understand how the basic components of control systems work. * Design and tune feedback controllers. * Apply a variety of techniques that enhance feedback control, including cascade control, ratio control, override control, selective control, feedforward control, multivariable control, and loop interaction. * Master the fundamentals of dynamic simulation of process control systems using MATLAB.

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