xxi, 631 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm.
Includes Index.
Book Information
- Unique, step-by-step Guides to Reading and to Writing teach students how to use critical reading strategies to analyze the content and craft of successful writing and then how to apply the strategies to their own writing. At the beginning of each chapter, a Guide to Reading walks students through a reading selection, pointing out rhetorical strategies and techniques for closer critical reading; at the end of the chapter, a Guide to Writing takes them through the process of planning, drafting, and revising an essay for that chapter's rhetorical purpose.- Covering the full range of writing that students will do in college, from autobiography and reflection to evaluation and argument, 56 readings -- five professional essays and two or three student essays in each chapter -- demonstrate rhetorical goals and provide compelling examples of each genre.- New features in this edition include twice as much student writing, attention to visual rhetoric, expanded treatment of research and documentation, and a two-color design.